Jamba Catering San Francisco & East Bay | Ordering & Delivery Available 8AM-6PM | $100 Minimum
Whirl'd Famous
Made with ingredients so classic, these blended-to-order masterpieces practically invented smoothies. All of your favorites are in the mix: real whole fruit, wholesome ingredients, sherbet, and frozen yogurt.

Plant Based Smoothies
Trying to fit more fruit into these blended-to-order smoothies is like trying to teach an emu to fly – can’t be done. Made using real whole fruit, each smoothie is non-dairy, vegan and chock full of antioxidants like vitamin C.

Super Blends
Go ahead, unleash the power of vitamin-packed smoothies.


Baked Goods
Jamba’s baked goods and snacks are the best friends a smoothie could ask for. They’re always there, full of wholesome ingredients, totally open to helping the smoothie move, even though the smoothie’s hide-a-bed weighs like a thousand pounds.

Smoothie Packs
Smoothie Packs!
Smoothie Packs from Jamba are great for parties, office lunch, and more! Click for details.